People of UNF is a weekly column where we stumble upon persons who are more than meets the eye.

Bailey Adams is a freshman studying biology.
“I wanted to go to UNF because I feel like I was meant to be here. I enjoyed walking through campus and seeing all the nature and the people. It seemed like everyone was so nice and smiling. It was very welcoming.”

Bi Trac and Lauren Cedelalun are friends who both major in bio-medical.
“We’re friends and majoring in the same thing. We actually just got out of our first class and we’re getting used to the campus in general. We actually live in the same neighborhood and since we’re not dorming in the summer, I pick him up and we ride to class together.”

Devon Duarte is a senior studying biology.
“I’m actually a Disney fan. Me and my wife go there a couple of times a year. Epcot is my favorite because Magic Kingdom is probably by far the best park but then Epcot is more targeted towards adults. I mean, you can get beers there. So you can drink around around the world so that’s always fun to do. It’s always just fun to walk around and look at stuff like the Japan park.”

Chris Gull is about to graduate with a degree in communications.
“Since I am a Senior and only have four classes left until graduation, it’s a very exciting feeling. I’m so close to finally being done, but that also means I’ll no longer have the fun of being a college student. I plan to move to Dallas, Atlanta, or a bigger city to work in advertising or marketing.”

Caitlin Cook is a marketing sophomore.
“This year my sister is an incoming freshman at UNF and it was so weird when I ran into her on campus yesterday. I’m really excited to be able to experience her college years with her and be able to help her learn the in’s and out’s about UNF. Also to teach her to make sure to watch where she is walking because if not she WILL step on geese poop or get run over by skateboarders.”
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