UNF is offering Masters of Public Administration classes at the Jesse Ball DuPont Center in the upcoming fall and spring semesters.
The university wants to make classes more accessible to students who work downtown. Last year they offered courses for the Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management at the same center.
“With the non-profit we really just have reputation around town,” said Dr. George Candler, UNF MPA Program director. “We are getting really good people with really good positions into the program and the DuPont center is working with us.”
Alexis Branaman, who is graduating with a Master of Education in Educational Leadership and Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management, said the classes at the DuPont center bring in a lot of different community members who are looking to add to their resume.
She said it was convenient and helpful for her busy life. “I live downtown and it made my schedule much easier. I could work my full work schedule without having to ask off early and get to class on time.” Branaman said.
Candler said he hopes to continue offering classes there in the future.
He said that if all goes well with the courses offered at the DuPont center this year, his goal is to rotate between the non-profit and public administration courses every other year.
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