Jacksonville’s historic Riverside neighborhood has been dealing with mass quantities of formosan termites since the city discovered them eating up the Women’s Club of Jacksonville late May.
Riverside residents need to be on the look out for these destructive reproducing machines. For South Side residents, there are other kinds summer bugs that could creep into our homes. Here are five bugs you might come across this summer and ways to keep those pesky things at bay.

What’s that crawling near my sink? Probably a silverfish bug.
Like termites, silverfish bugs are small and always on the move. Paper and damp clothing attract these tiny crawlers, according to Orkin, a pest control company. So students should keep their research papers in their backpacks and wet towels off the bathroom floor.
Getting rid of them: These pests, unfortunately, reproduce too quickly for tenants to destroy an entire population. You can try to kill them on the spot, but it’s best to have the landlord or leasing company properly inspect and treat the space.

It’s a tootsie roll! It’s a kidney bean! No, it’s just a nasty Palmetto Bug hanging around your food.
Although many pest services claim these bugs primarily live outside, South Side residents shouldn’t be surprised when they find these creatures crawling over bags of chips in the pantry or stuck in a cup in the cabinet.
Getting rid of them: Listen to your mother and clean up after yourself. Regularly cleaning your apartment or living space on a regular basis makes it more difficult for Palmetto bugs to hide out. For those who feel comfortable using chemicals around their home, try spraying insecticides such as Demon WP and Gentrol IGR , which are available on Amazon for less than $10.

Why does my ankle itch so much? Oh, great. It’s another mosquito bite.
It’s Florida. Mosquitos are everywhere, especially near standing water. If guests keep your door open day and night, chances are you will also find mosquitos chilling out in your home.
Getting rid of them: There are too many mosquitos in Florida to concern yourself with killing them, so focus on preventing bites. You can sweat it out by wearing long sleeves and pants, or you spray on repellents that contain a high percentage of DEET before heading outdoors.

Why are all of these flies hanging out near my sandwich?
House Flies tend to hover over food — whether a dish of food is exposed or not — and garbage. They’re the kind that feed on rotting meat, while fruit flies prefer the sweet stuff, like overripe fruit and soda.
Getting rid of them: You can never take out the trash too many times. Try to keep doors closed during parties so the flies infest the dumpster instead of appetizers. If you know guests will be coming in and out, consider making a run to Walmart for a fly light trap that’ll attract and zap flies.

A tick(ing) time bomb
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, these clingy creatures typically live in moist and wooded areas and people usually discover them after spending hours outdoors. You probably won’t find ticks infesting an apartment, but they often latch onto humans and animals for a food source.
Getting rid of them: Ticks don’t make a scene about their bloodsucking habits, so victims usually don’t notice these insect Draculas for days. Make sure to shower and clean clothes in warm water as soon as possible.
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