Jacksonville Jaguars fans rejoice! The dates of the student ticket sales have been posted with the first round of sales happening next week.
UNF Student Government posted the set of dates on their Facebook page earlier today with three ticket sale dates happening July 19, 20, 21. Seasonal tickets will only be available for purchase on these dates. Once the fall semesters starts up, you’ll be able to purchase tickets for all individual games except for the one against Green Bay.
Ticket sales have not been finalized but, don’t fret, the full list of costs and promotionals should be out be the end of the week, says SG Project Manager Rachel Bryant.
We’re pretty excited about this because this is the time when students can get cheap tickets to see their Jags players rough it up on the field. Regular season passes in the General Bowl seating cost over $460, and last year’s seasonal tickets sales were about $175, according to Bryant.
Spinnaker will update with more information once it becomes available.
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