For a young writer trying to get their work published, it’s tough. A writer’s life is a one that can often be unappreciated, and as young writers submit their precious drafts they’ve spent hours pining away at, rejection letters potentially loom in the future. But a UNF student and alumnae, have just launched a platform for these young writers to shine and earn some money on the side.
Artist Uncovered is a new start-up literary journal focused on easing the publishing process for young writers. Founder Joe Pike, who graduated earlier this year, and Gus Scruggs, a currently enrolled Philosophy student just published their first batch of stories that made the cut. “Our website is dedicated to helping writers find a place in publishing,” Pike said. “We realized that there weren’t a lot of places for writers and we wanted to provide a stepping stone for them.”
Pike commented on how a lot of publishers do not treat writers with respect when it comes to submission etiquette. This includes reaching out to writers on the status of their submissions,, because some places don’t bother calling back. But with Artist Uncovered, Pike said he hopes to change that. “We want to make sure to review all our submissions in a timely and efficient manner and we hope [Artist Uncovered] is a historic example of a beginner’s guide to publishing.”
In addition to providing submission etiquette, Artist Uncovered is structured in a way for writers to potentially make some money for their short stories and poetry. A fee of $10 is required for every submission that then goes toward the pot to the best submitted story of the month. The website accepts fiction and nonfiction works, specifically short stories and poetry.
But the two entrepreneurs are hoping to take their mission outside of the digital landscape and into the public by hosting events. “We’re also here to serve the community,” Pike said. Artist Uncovered plans to host readings in Jacksonville with the first one happening August 17th at Three Layers Cafe.
Other local publications have been active in regards to hosting events and readings. Tim Gilmore, Folio Weekly columnist is leading his second year with Jax by Jax, a writing festival that aims to showcase local writers and their work. Perversion, a local art and culture magazine, has also hosted many readings as well as a fashion show. And now, Artist Uncovered is paving its way in the literary publishing game.
To learn more about Artist Uncovered, visit their website.
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