Blue lot and faculty permits are currently sold out, and it’s leaving both faculty and students a little unnerved.
As of Aug. 16, blue lot permits were sold out. Over 5,000 permits were sold within a month, meaning that if you haven’t purchased one yet, the gray lots look to be your place for solace this year.
Students aren’t alone in the struggles for parking, as faculty spots are also sold out.
George Androuin, director of Business and Parking Services, said that the Parking Advisory Council comes up with a ratio to determine how many permits to sell per parking space: 2.3 permits per space in the blue lots, and 1.6 permits per space for faculty.
These same ratios have been in effect for some time now, and the Advisory Council feels that they are what’s comfortable and efficient for the parking on campus, Androuin said.
By selling this many permits, it helps maximize the usage of the parking spots on campus as not everyone with a permit will be on campus all day.
Androuin explained that Parking Services will conduct lot counts in September to determine if the ratio in effect does still work, or if it needs a little tuning by the Advisory Council.
He also says that for those individuals who believe more blue permits will be sold down the road, that he wouldn’t count on it. Parking Services does not intend on going over their ratio threshold, which is why they shut down the sales.
During the 2014-15 school year, blue lot permits were oversold due to Lot 60 being converted to a gray lot.
Androuin assures that this is not at all the same case and has since been handled.
He also said that if you don’t have the blue lot permit, a good alternative would be to grab a gray permit and park in Lot 14.
He feels the walk is a lot shorter than the dreaded walk from Lot 18, and also the overpass of trees through the forest-like area can help with the sunlight beating down on you.
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