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Where to find scholarships on campus

Photo by Joseph Basco
Photo by Joseph Basco
Photo by Joseph Basco
Need some of this? We got you covered. Photo by Joseph Basco

The fall semester is here, and that means expenses will start rolling in, leaving you feeling like you shouldn’t have paid for extra whip on that mocha frappe latte last week.

But don’t get discouraged. One Stop Coordinator Brandon Smith said there’s tons of money out there.

UNF has hundreds of in-house scholarships and fellowships, and Spinnaker has the break down on these funds so you don’t have to stay broke.

Admissions Scholarships

Incoming freshman are immediately eligible for scholarships based on their GPA and test scores from high school. Most scholarships for freshman are offered on a merit– and need-base. If you had a minimum 3.5 GPA and a 1200 SAT or 26 ACT (excluding writing sections) you could receive $4,000 per year for four years.

If your parents did not complete a bachelor’s degree program you could qualify for a First Generation Scholarship.

Transfer and international students can find scholarships here and here.

College Scholarships

A large portion of the scholarships UNF has to offer are based on students majors and course selections.

For example, the Coggin College of Business offers up to $2500 in scholarships for transportation and logistics majors. One of the college’s scholarships doesn’t even require you to be a business major — just take a business ethics class and meet the GPA and community service requirements, and $1,000 could be yours.

The College of Education and Human Services has tons of scholarships for all education and human services majors. The Synovus Bank Endowed Scholarship offers $500 for remaining in good standing for your junior and senior years.

The College of Arts and Sciences has a variety of scholarships to apply for. The Transformational Learning Scholarship awards up to $3,500 to the student who either pursues an internship, international learning, independent study or undergraduate research.

The College of Computing, Engineering, and Construction (CCEC) has scholarships just for being a good student. The Haskell Company scholarship dishes out $1800 for the CCEC student who takes 12 credit hours a semester, has a monitored 3.0 GPA, and obeys UNF rules.

The scholarships for the Brooks Brown College of health are not listed on UNF’s website. Information about these can be found by emailing d.yazbec@unf.eduFor questions about nursing scholarships, email

Student Government Scholarships

SG scholarships are divided into two groups: competitive scholarships and decentralized scholarships.

The competitive scholarships were offered to students in all colleges last year. The release date of the new 2016-2017 scholarships will be released Aug. 29.

The decentralized scholarships are offered from departments at UNF. The Women’s Center, Student Affairs, and Disability Resource Center are just a few of the departments that offered scholarships last year.

Study Abroad Scholarships

Studying abroad is an experience many students are interested in, but the price often keeps them from chasing that dream.

UNF offers a wide variety of grants and scholarships for study abroad. Notably, the Student Affairs International Learning Scholarship (SAILS) offers money to candidates who are degree-seeking students, in good academic standing and wanting to pursue an international program.

What’s next?

It’s important that you don’t only apply to one scholarship and patiently wait for your money to arrive. Smith says the best chance of earning a scholarship is to “apply for as many as possible, and don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

Apply to scholarships you think you have a good chance of earning. Scholarships that focus more on the individual instead of just general requirements are the best way to go. Smith indicates to “do the research on the scholarship and follow the process.”

If you want to know more about UNF scholarships, you can find links to most the ones mentioned above here. Additionally, there is a scholarship binder on the second floor of the UNF Thomas G. Carpenter Library. Located in the reference section, it lists various sources of information on scholarships, fellowships, grants and loans.

If applying to scholarships through UNF isn’t working for you or you find yourself still in need of extra funds, there are options outside of the university, which are listed below.

Outside Scholarships:

College Board



FastWEB – Free, searchable database

Peterson’s Financial Aid – Free Scholarship Search


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