UNF President John Delaney said students should report racial incidents and tolerate opposing viewpoints in an email sent to all students in light of an alleged increase of verbal assaults and discrimination following the 2016 presidential election.
“The University has always protected freedom of speech, but we won’t tolerate intimidation or threats to students, faculty, staff or campus visitors,” Delaney said, adding that he hadn’t seen this type of “severe behavior” at UNF.
The president’s message comes four days after a UNF employee discovered a racially-charged drawing on a library whiteboard.
“The election pointed out a deeply divided and virtually evenly split country, and at a university we need to do our best to understand why people voted ‘the other way,’” Delaney said.
Delaney touted the Civil Discourse series with OneJax as a way students can civilly recognize differing points of view. UNF will also host a discussion for students wishing to talk about the election Nov. 15 from 1-3 p.m in Building 8 (English Hall).
“Hopefully our campus as a whole can move the debate from physical violence and hateful speech and be able to disagree civilly,” Delaney said. “Thank you for all you do to keep UNF inclusive, welcoming and safe.”
He advised students to report incidents to the University Police Department at (904) 620-2800 or via e-mail at unfpd@unf.edu.
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