A ‘Drive Safely’ sign has been placed on Roosevelt Boulevard in memory of UNF student Laura Erdelyi, who died in a car crash last February.
The sign is one of hundreds placed around the state by the Florida Department of Traffic to commemorate those who died on the road as well as raise more awareness for safe driving. Her facebook page is riddled with photos of the new sign and messages reminding others to be careful on the roads.
Carli Petow, a UNF alumna and friend of Erdelyi’s, said she thinks the sign is a great way to honor her. “Laura was a ray of sunshine and I think the sign being there is a really sweet and great way to commemorate the life of a wonderful human.”
Erdelyi, who was set to graduate in December 2016 with a degree in public relations, was pronounced dead on the scene when a vehicle operated by Keith Dion Jackson hit her car head on after failing to yield making a left turn, according to the police report.
Duval County Court records show that Jackson was found guilty and fined over $1000 and had his license suspended for six months. Jackson served no jail time for the crash that killed Erdelyi, but has faced several charges in unrelated cases.
These charges include murder in the first degree, driving without a valid license, sale of a controlled substance and marijuana within 1000 feet of a church/convenience business, possession of and kidnapping with a weapon, according to the reports.
According to JSO, Jackson is currently in jail awaiting trial.
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