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Ace your tests with quick and easy memory tips from ACE

BY Rachel Tannenbaum

With mid-term exams rapidly approaching, the UNF Academic Center for Excellence has provided an outlet for students to channel stress.

Carmen Masnita Iusan and Michele Boyette, tutor coordinators at ACE, have created Memory Tips. The workshop teaches students scientific methods designed to enhance their ability to recall information from lectures, textbooks and notes.

Iusan and Boyette wanted to create an environment where students can learn techniques which can be used in and out of the classroom. Boyette said the idea for the workshop came from researching new methods to help students succeed in their college careers. She takes the information she finds from her research and breaks it down into one-hour sessions that offer quick and useful tips.

The workshop aims to teach basic methods for helping to retain information by grouping material together and finding rhythms.

“If you are using a method that someone taught you and it isn’t working then you need to rethink and find a technique that is going to meet your brain’s requirements,” Boyette said.

No matter the subject or age of the student, Memory Tips identifies issues that apply to each individual, she said. From math classes where formulas are used, to writing and memorizing grammatical rules, Memory Tips prepares students to remember it all.

“The workshop allows students to put all their concerns on the table and helps pinpoint areas they need help with,” Boyette said. “We start to add to the tool kit slowly so it doesn’t seem too overwhelming.”

The next Memory Tips workshop will be held Oct. 11, just in time to get some extra study help before midterms.

“They can still have time to pick up strategies that will help them with new information for midterm exams, Boyette said. “It also helps them review material they have forgotten and make it all connect.”

Students can register for the workshop by logging on to their myWings account or by going to the ACE office. Boyette encourages students to attend workshops sponsored by ACE because they are free.

“Students basically paid for the services in general fees so they might as well make the best out of it,” Boyette said.

The Memory Tips workshop is just one of many ACE workshops like “Is Your Thesis in Pieces,” “Quit Procrastinating” and “Smart is Sexy; Math Made Easy.” Boyette said the workshops often change as students suggest new ideas.

“We once had a student request a workshop on how to get more sleep,” Boyette said.

In addition to the workshops, ACE offers one-on-one study sessions if students cannot attend the workshops. Iusan said they plan their workshops around events taking place throughout campus to advance turnout. Boyette encourages students to come to the workshop first. If they need extra help the ACE tutors are open to sitting with students one-on-one to figure out a strategy that will work for them personally.

Boyette believes students leave the workshop feeling they received useful and accurate skills. The tutors at ACE want students to leave happy and positive and know they have resources at ACE if they need to come back for extra help.

“We do the best we can to give students the information they can use either in their major, studies or their lifestyle in college,” Boyette said. “The goal for Memory Tips is to make student’s lives less stressful and simpler. It can go a long way to make college a pleasant experience for anyone.”

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