Will Hurricane Maria affect UNF?


Hurricane Maria’s trajectory may possibly affect the coast of Florida. Photo courtesy of the National Hurricane Center.

Jas Chung Campbell

Hurricane Maria’s trajectory may possibly affect the coast of Florida. Photo courtesy of the National Hurricane Center.

After a week of recovery from Hurricane Irma, Hurricane Maria is following the path that Hurricane Irma devastated not too long ago.

Hurricane Maria is Category 3, but has the potential to reach Category 4, according to the National Hurricane Center. Wind speeds have increased to 115 mph while the power is still increasing, the NHC stated.

The path is going to hit Puerto Rico tomorrow and parts of Leeward Islands, the British Virgin Islands and U.S. Virgin Islands. The path is only projected for a week, so it may possibly affect the East Coast of the United States.

Puerto Rico has called for evacuations like they did for Hurricane Irma, but it is too early to tell if UNF will be affected by Maria.


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