UNF students get no sauce; The Szechuan Sauce fail
October 9, 2017

“Rick and Morty” fans visited multiple McDonald’s locations in Jacksonville this weekend hoping to get the famous Szechuan sauce.
McDonald’s listened to the fans requests and decided to bring it back last Saturday. However, Jacksonville residents had no luck getting their hands on the famous sauce. After waiting and looking for it everywhere, people left the restaurant empty handed, with no sauce but plenty of complaints.
“I visited over three McDonald’s locations but there was no sauce for miles,” UNF student Bryce McDonald said.
He was not the only one. Many students went to the St. John’s Town Center location because the website listed it as a participating location but, they couldn’t get a hold of the sauce
During the first episode of season three, the show’s main character, Rick, visits a McDonald’s drive-through in a flashback and orders the famous Szechuan sauce for his nuggets. After this first appearance, fans started taking to social media by storm asking the company to bring it back.
Since then, McDonald’s has released a statement and said they will make it right for all the “Rick and Morty” fans. The Szechuan sauce will come back again and not as a one-day only special. A specific date for the next release has yet to be announced. This winter is going to bring a lot more sauce and fans won’t have to wait in lines like this past Saturday.
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