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Get to Know Your: Associate Chief Justice Sam Hall

When you return to your car to find that brownish-yellow envelope that says “UNF Parking Services” stuck underneath your windshield wiper, your heart drops into your stomach.

You glance at your rear-view mirror and realize you forgot to put your permit up this morning. You have a two options: yell expletives at the top of your lungs, hoping the parking people will hear the pain and anguish they’ve caused, or just smile, knowing you get to visit your associate chief justice next Wednesday.

That is when Student Government Associate Chief Justice Sam Hall, along with Chief Justice Matt Yost, hold student parking appeal hearings in the Justice Branch chambers.

They handle about 150 appeals a week, which they divide between the eight justices. A ninth will soon be appointed.

They deal with any number of complaints or appeals from the student body regarding the constitution, Hall said. But “our number one responsibility on a regular basis is parking appeals.”

Yost appointed Hall, a criminal justice sophomore, to associate chief justice in summer 2010. He works with Yost to lead parking hearings, non-student hearings, election hearings, bi-weekly Friday meetings with the justices and dealings with student complaints.

The job of the justices is to interpret the UNF constitution.

Any time there is a situation where a student believes any part of the constitution was violated, they should go to Hall or Yost. The justices review a piece of the constitution together every meeting to stay fresh on the law of UNF.

Hall always knew law, in one way or another, would be a part of his future.

“When I was little, I wanted to be a cop,” he said. “I just love the law, I love interpreting it. I’m very thankful for this opportunity.”

However, your associate chief justice isn’t all about work. He said he loves sports as well. He played golf at Sarasota High School and was captain of the varsity team for two years. While he chose not to play in college, he still tries to keep up with his game.

Hall also enjoys hockey and goes to a skate-and-shoot at Jacksonville Ice once a week with his friends, he said. He also takes time once in a while to hit some ponds and fish for redfish, play some basketball with friends and work out at the gym.

Hall plans to stay in criminal justice and become an FBI agent later, after graduation, but UNF is his focus right now. As a sophomore, he just started his major classes, and he said he loves them.

“I look forward to going to class every day,” he said.

He said he might run for the chief justice position at some point, and he definitely wants to stay in the justice department for the remainder of his college career at UNF.

“We’ll see what happens,” Hall said about his future at UNF.

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