UNF Women’s Center hosts annual Celebration of Women in Arts
January 9, 2020
The Celebration of Women in the Arts is a variety show featuring local, woman-centered talent and has been annual event since 1987. Last night was the 33rd annual showcase of talented women in Jacksonville.

The event was hosted by Love Reigns, a local “poetical ninja” who shared a few spoken words then proceeded to announce first woman to perform, Grace Bio.
Grace Bio, a local artist painted live on stage during the entire two hour event. She painted “The Phoenix” depicted as a woman which she said “symbolizes women coming into their full power.”

While Grace was painting, there were two other groups that performed in different ways. The first group to perform was Allana Southerland and the Fusion Band, a trio featuring a saxophonist, a drummer and a keyboardist. The saxophonist, Allana is a UNF Alumni who was the only female saxophonist in her graduating class. The Trio performed several covers of popular songs, including Robin Thicke’s “Blurred Lines” and Pharrell Williams’s “Happy.”
Following Allana Southerland and the Fusion Band, Bittersweet Studios had several dancers perform various routines.
After Bittersweet Studios, Grace Bio had finished her painting and presented it to the crowd.
Immediately following the event, there was a reception with some deserts and other snacks giving people the opportunity to meet the performers and talk to them.
For an opportunity to see future performances, plan to attend next year’s Celebration of Women in the Arts.
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