A Level-Up for the Gameroom
January 15, 2020
Back in October, UNF’s Student Government had plans to place a Lend-A-Wing Pantry in the Student Union between Fall and Spring semester, including downgrading the size of the Gameroom to make room for the available student resource. As of now, construction hasn’t started yet.

The Student Union Director, Jennifer Nutt, says that, “Student Government is managing this project, we are a stakeholder with them. The last update we received from them was: based on work from the architect, work on the project would potentially begin around Spring Break.”
When this change was first brought to light, there was an uproar from many students that led to a petition. The petition stated that the Game Room was being “robbed of pool tables and ping pong,” and “downsized severely to the point where tournaments will be ruined.”
The Student Union was chosen due to oncoming foot traffic that would make the Lend-A-Wing more accessible to students. According to Student Government, the Gameroom was the most convenient place due to existing plumbing and its location close to delivery routes.

The Lend-A-Wing Pantry is a service that allows students to receive free food with no questions asked. The goal of the food pantry was to allow more students to have access to food staples, and the current location (Hicks Hall) is not conducive to that purpose, according to Nutt.

Two pool tables will be moved to the boathouse and will be available for student use. A new ping pong table will be purchased, so there will still be one ping pong table indoors, to add to the four outdoor ping-pong tables. In the Gameroom where the ping pong tables are now is where the Lend-A-Wing pantry will be soon, according to Jennifer Nutt.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.