Today is the Florida Primary: here’s what you need to know

Courtney Green, News Editor

Despite some states postponing their primaries over concerns of coronavirus, Florida has chosen to go ahead as planned and hold their primary today.

You can find your polling place here. Polls close at 7 p.m.

At this time, Joe Biden is ahead of Bernie Sanders by almost 200 delegates and looks to be the Democratic nominee. 1,9991 delegates are needed to win. Biden sits around 900. All previous Democratic candidates will be on the ballot, but its largely considered to be a two-man race at this juncture, with Sanders losing ground to Biden.

Governor Ron DeSantis has urged Floridians to take advantage of early voting-by-mail to avoid public contact while fears of COVID-19 continue to rise.

For those who did not take advantage of early voting, DeSantis is encouraging to still go out to the polls and vote on the hope that the crowds will be smaller thanks to the early voting option.


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