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News in Brief Nov. 9th

Senate appoints new committee chairs, swears in newly elected senators

The senate elected three new committee chairs and swore in 20 recently internally elected senators Nov. 7.

Senator Charles Galanti became chairman of the Budget and Allocations committee in a run-off with Senator Mitch Haley by a vote of 22-16. Senator Joel Versace ran unopposed for the Elections and Appointments committee chair. Senator Joseph Turner, also unopposed, won the Parliamentarian position by acclimation.

Of the 20 senators who were internally elected at the senate meeting two weeks prior, only 18 showed up to be sworn-in. Senator Kyle Kvies is on three weeks leave for a school-related project and couldn’t be present. New elect Louisa Velten was a no-show. Senate President Carlo Fassi is unsure what steps will be taken in regards to Velten’s absence.

Go to for more news from the Nov. 7 senate meeting.

Osprey Productions hosts lecture with astronaut Bob Springer

At 7 p.m. Nov. 9 at the Student Union, retired American astronaut Robert “Bob” Springer will speak about space, NASA and being an astronaut in a lecture hosted by Osprey Productions.

Springer was a former U.S. Marine Corps aviator and served during the Vietnam War. He became an astronaut in the 1980s and flew to space as a mission specialist twice, once in 1989 and again in 1990.

Osprey Productions will serve ice cream at the lecture.

Spring 2012 registration is here as the end of the semester approaches

Time tickets for Spring 2012 registration were posted in students’ MyWings accounts Nov. 8. Registration by time ticket begins Nov. 10. Open registration begins Nov. 21.

Classes for the Fall 2011 semester end Dec. 2. Finals week is from Dec. 3 to Dec. 9.

Fall 2011 grades will be posted on MyWings Dec. 16.

UNF closes for Veteran’s Day, select business will open for limited hours

The university isclosed for Veteran’s Day, Nov. 11. The library and bookstore will be closed all day.

Chartwells food venues will operate under limited hours during the day. Coyote Jacks and Outtakes at the Student Union, My Meals at the Student Union and Ozzie’s Grill will be open.

The library is hosting a Veteran’s exhibit through November. The exhibit honors all military veterans who work at UNF. The exhibit will recognize veteran staff, faculty and students, as well as their family members.

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