UNF library celebrates Banned Books week
September 28, 2021
The UNF library started celebrating banned books week on Monday, Sep. 27. This week-long celebration brings attention to the countless books that are often banned from local libraries for a multitude of reasons.
According to the organizer of this week’s festivities, Maria Atilano, there are many reasons why certain books are frequently banned. Some of the reasons include, but are not limited to, their depiction of police brutality and LGBT individuals in more modern books, and topics such as racism, and author controversies around more classical books like To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men.

Atilano explained how the UNF library doesn’t actually ban any books. They instead use the American Library Association’s list of the most challenged books nationwide, which is updated every year.
“Everybody should be able to read whatever they want,” she said.
Banned Books Week is about celebrating and embracing the freedom to read. The Library will be offering blind pickings of the 10 banned books of this year and will be tabling at the Market Day Wed., Sep. 29, in the Student Union.
More information about Banned Books Week can be found here.
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