Best part-time jobs for freshman at UNF
August 22, 2022
The class of Fall 2022 will be the University of North Florida (UNF)’s biggest Freshman class ever, according to the university. With this many new students comes a new need for jobs for many of them. Thankfully, for students living on-campus or those who have never held a job before, there are many part-time jobs available for students on campus. According to UNF Media Relations Manager Amanda Ennis, here are just a few of them:
Dining Services
Dining Services is hiring part-time and full-time all over campus. They are looking for people to fill each and every type of job, such as cashiers, caterers, bartenders, and more. Dining Services is still suffering from understaffing. Applicants can apply online at the Dining Services Website or text UNF to 75000. Many benefits are offered, including but not limited to flexible scheduling, free parking, and free shift meals

Boathouse Events and Collaborations
Jobs are also offered by Dining Services at the Boathouse to help increase campus and student engagement. For more information, contact Dennis Negrin, Dining Services director of marketing.
Swoop Squad
Part of the Welcome Center, the Swoop Squad offers tours every week, welcoming prospective students and their families to UNF. Part-time positions with the Swoop Squad will be open through Sunday, Aug. 28.
Student Conduct Board
The Student Conduct Board is a body of active UNF community members that review student conduct cases. This opportunity gives students leadership experience while promoting UNF community values and expectations. Students can apply at the Student Conduct Board Website. All applicants must complete training and get approved by the Dean of Students.
The pay of all of these jobs can vary but will be at least $10.50 per hour, thanks to a recent wage increase that went into effect over the summer.
Any and all students further interested in part-time jobs off-campus should come to the Part-Time Jobs fair being held on Tuesday, Aug. 23
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