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Poll: Students want Jesus to be US president

By: Katie Gile, Staff Writer


Imagine kicking back in your 21st century living room as Teddy Roosevelt addresses the nation live on your plasma widescreen. Or, picture a series of political advertisements paid for and promoted by Jesus Christ for president.

In light of the upcoming debate and election to follow, the Spinnaker performed a brief poll of 200 UNF students to learn which living or dead public figure they would choose to take office as the President of the United States of America.

Jesus Christ won the poll with 9.5 percent of the votes and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. took second place with 4 percent. On a lighter note, actress and comedian Betty White came in third place with 3 percent of votes.

Though religious and historical figures are favored for first and second, it was the Hollywood candidates, totaling 36.5 percent, that made for a majority of the votes. The religious and historical candidates took second with 24.5 percent and the musical artist candidates, with 19.5 percent of the votes cast, took third.

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