UNF rolls out plans for a dedicated graduate commencement ceremony, administrator says
November 28, 2022
It’s the end of the semester and the year is near, which also means that graduation is seemingly an arm’s reach away.
In years past, graduate school students at the University of North Florida would walk across the stage alongside their undergraduate peers but starting this fall, graduate students will get their own commencement ceremony.
“We do have a different format than we have done before, that we’ve never done before,” Colin McKinney, UNF’s commencement coordinator, said. “We’ll be moving forward with at least one ceremony completely dedicated to graduate students.”
Given that this will be the first ceremony using this format, and because UNF doesn’t have a huge class of master’s students, there will be one ceremony for them. For comparison, the undergraduate commencement is usually split up into several ceremonies. However, if that were ever to change, they will tack on another ceremony to compensate.
“If all of a sudden we explode with a huge number of graduate students, masters and doctorates, if that needs to become two ceremonies, then we would adjust for that,” he said.
Though, McKinney doesn’t see that happening for a while.
What’s really key about this new format, he explained, is its flexibility. UNF will continue to grow, bringing in more and more students each year, and commencement ceremonies will adjust.

Other details to know
Graduation this year is slated to be held on Dec. 16 in the UNF Arena.
Looking for more details about how commencement will work? There will be a commencement town hall on Dec. 8, hosted by McKinney, to answer everything from when people first arrive to when they depart.
“And then we’ll have a Q&A at the end as well,” he said. “Primary parking [for graduation] is going to be over at lot 18. We will have disability parking across the way at garage 38.”
Anyone graduating in the upcoming commencement ceremonies can claim their tickets starting today, Nov. 28, through their email.
If you still need a cap or gown, go to the bookstore to place an order, McKinney said.
Check out all the graduation important dates here.
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