UNF’s Board of Trustees met Tuesday, March 14 to discuss the process of hiring a replacement for the departing President Delaney. The chair, Joy Korman, asked BOT member Kevin Hyde to chair the search advisory committee, which will lead the hunt for a new president.
BOT members Paul McElroy, Sharon Wamble-King, Bella Genta, and Radha Pyati will also serve on the committee.
The search committee will consist of no more than 15 people. One member must be part of the Board of Governors, the governing body for the state university system in Florida. Three members must be part of the BOT.
The rest of the committee will consist of individuals from the faculty, student body, UNF’s foundation board and possibly the Financing Corporation Board.
Those who serve on the committee are not allowed to hold positions that report directly to the president, to ensure there is no conflict of interest.
Some of the responsibilities of the search committee are to determine the amount of pay the future president will receive to use in negotiating employment with candidates. The committee can also seek the services of an executive search firm or consultant.
They will also create position criteria that corresponds to UNF’s mission, strategic plan, and goals. They will identify applicants to create a pool of qualified candidates and conduct first applicant interviews. The committee will also supply a list of the candidates to UNF for on-campus forums or meetings with faculty, students, or other stakeholders.
The next step is to recommend two qualified candidates to the BOT. The BOT is then responsible to perform background checks on each candidate and select which ones will be able to conduct the on-campus meetings with stakeholders.
They will then select the final candidate for recommendation to the BOG for confirmation.
The search committee wants to have a new president selected by the BOT in time for the candidate to be confirmed by the BOG in their March 2018 meeting.
The president will not be able to start until he or she is confirmed and only a two-thirds vote from the BOG can deny the appointment of a candidate selected by the BOT.
The committee is being created now and the first committee meeting will be held Monday, April 10th at 10 a.m. at the University Center, in Room 1058. However, Delaney will continue to serve as president until May 2018.
The university will also create a presidential search web page, which will be updated regularly with all information regarding the search.
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