The Red Party wants to show students that it achieves the initiatives on which it runs for office.
The Red Party, last year’s majority winners of Student Government, is running once again this year.
For the Red Party, results matter, said Carlo Fassi, the UNF student body president and Red Party chair. He said the party has a record of tangible results on campus.
Among those, he cited the recent advancements made in the Red Party’s 2011-12 campus dining initiative to bring Chick-fil-A onto campus.
Fassi said the Red Party will be running on several student issues this year.
One of its initiatives is a single scantron policy, in which UNF would have a single type of scantron used in all classes, rather than the eight different forms used now.
The party is also looking into a bike-sharing program that would allow students access to easy transportation.
Fassi said the Red Party’s free printing initiative will probably be expanded, giving perhaps 30 free pages instead of the current 25.
He said the Red Party will also be lobbying Chartwells to keep all on-campus dining vendors open longer.
Fassi said the Red Party would also be lobbying the Florida state Senate and House for increased funding for higher education, which he said is a top priority. The Red Party has lobbied for increased funding in the past.
Several candidates running in the fall Senate elections declined to comment and forwarded the Spinnaker to Fassi, who speaks on all matters related to the party.
Email Lydia Moneir at reporter20@unfspinnaker.com.