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Special Request fund supplements Travel Request fund, and more

SG logo blackBudget and Allocations Committee Meeting

Travel Request Approved

Group – Upsilon Phi Delta, the honor society for healthcare administration students.

Requested amount – $1,170.70

Purpose – Send four students to compete at the Health Administration Case Competition and the University of Alabama-Birmingham on Feb. 26-28.

The students will present solutions to real-world problems before a board of judges from the health industry.  There are cash-prizes and scholarships available for the top three teams.

Result – Approved 5-0

Senator Morgan Wolf said travel funds are now depleted.

Emergency Senate Meeting

Senate President, Christopher Brady, said the emergency meeting was called to table a Title V bill.

Bill – SB-14S-2744

Purpose – Amend  the Constitution to transfer $10,000 from the Special Requests Index to the Travel Request Index.  Essentially, this bill allows the B&A Committee to grant more travel requests because there is money to allow it.

Result – Passed 31-0

Senator Mitchell Moore, said it’s a good short term solution that allows us to still be able to give out money.

Bill – SB-14S-2743

Purpose – Revisions to Title VI, the Election and Appointments Code of the Constitution. Elections and Appointments Chairwoman, Emily Antworth, said the bill makes grammatical fixes and clarifies the campaigning process.

Result – Passed 31-0

There will be no meetings scheduled for Jan. 20 to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Email Brandon Thigpen at

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