Here are the names, pictures and platforms of the students running for SG 2009 General Elections. The Coggin College of Business and College of Education and Human Services candidates are running in the Intercollege elections.
John Barnes & Mike Saathoff
Senior, Political Science • Junior, Political Science
While our first term is coming to an end; we can look back and see that our success is based on your support. So for that we thank you for your trust and camaraderie. As we run for re-election we look at all of our promises such as the Graduate Student Lounge, Restored Library Hours, Athletic Promotion I & II, Philanthropy Week, and More Options for the Osprey1 Card have been accomplished. We will continue to serve with integrity and honor as we push for your needs on campus. Where there is a need we have done our best to meet it such as Outlets in Starbucks and Improving the Southern Recreation Field. This coming year we will continue to fight for you as the battle of increased tuition will begin. We hear you and we will make sure the university administration can hear us as ONE. When you think about voting, vote for Servants you want to represent you, vote for the Difference you want to see, vote for the Legacy you want to leave… VOTE RED.
![]() Jose Barrientos Junior, Economics/ ManagementMy commitment is to UNF students, enhancing their college experience by: (1) Putting the students’ interests first. (2) Making athletic events more rewarding for athletes and more fun for students (3) Promoting global and multicultural literacy to give UNF students an advantage in this globalized world Vote Jose! Vote Red!! |
![]() Abhishek Bera Freshman, International BusinessAs treasurer of my fraternity I understand the importance of fiscal responsibility. As A Senator I promise to ensure that every dollar is spent properly. We have the power to leave a legacy on this campus that we can all be proud of. Vote for a Servant Vote RED. |
Mersi Kasemi Junior, CommunicationsI believe that quality and affordable tuition are basic rights. I believe that each succeeding generation should have the opportunity, through hard work, service and sacrifice, to enjoy a brighter future than the last. The Red Party stands ready to meet today’s challenges and build on our achievements. Vote Red. |
![]() Laura McGregor Sophomore, Business ManagementAs your voice in student government, I will always be a representative of the entire student body. I will always have an open mind when making decisions and I will always have my fellow ospreys best interest. Vote Laura McGregor, VOTE RED!! |
![]() Kyle Nelson Freshman, Business ManagementAs a freshman and lacrosse player, one of the vital improvements I want to see happen is enhancing the quality of our intramural and recreation fields. Doing so will not just benefit athletes, but will enhance campus life. Be a Servant, Make a Difference, Leave a Legacy! |
![]() Rachel Nolan Sophomore, AccountingI am running for senate in order to represent students who may not have the time or understanding of senate to have their voices heard. I also want to lead UNF students to become more interactive with each other, the community, and student government. Vote RED!!!! |
![]() Erica Richey Sophomore, Secondary Education/ MathIf you want to see change, do something about it. If elected, I will be a voice for the students. I have a passion for this campus and seeing it improve. I want to lead, I want to serve, I want to make a difference. VOTE RED!!! |
![]() Lindsey Calkins Junior, Community HealthI am honored to be given the opportunity to run with the red party. Let me be your voice and help bring the changes you want to see. I promise you my commitment and I will not let you down. Vote Red and have a great day! |
![]() Megan Chiarello Junior, Political ScienceAs a junior at UNF, I can truly say that there is something special about our university. We have grown so much and I know there is nothing but further success and prosperity. As your senator, I want to carry out the plans for today and continue your voice for. |
![]() Manny Roman Senior, CommunicationsUNF is a great place I will be glad to graduate from in the near future. I want to be the voice of all students; from Greek to Non-Greek, and student employees to graduate students. I want to give everyone a better experience than I enjoyed. Vote Manny Roman, VOTE!!! |
![]() Shenette Sheffield Junior, Political ScienceAs a Division-I Athlete I know what it takes for UNF to get to the next level. I pledge to do my part as a senator to represent your best interest. UNF is more than a academic institution but a community comprised of diversity. Help Me, Help You, VOTE RED!!! |
![]() Travis Smyth Graduate, BusinessAs a graduate MBA student, I have a direct connection and understanding of the needs and wants of all students, both undergraduate and graduate within UNF. If elected, I will represent all students, by incorporating my qualities such as leadership, integrity and experience for the future of UNF. Vote Red. |
![]() Brad Talbert Sophomore, Political ScienceAs president of my fraternity, I understand the importance of leadership and integrity. As a senator, I will work diligently to represent you, the student body. Vote Red!!! |
![]() Danielle Tarangelo Junior, CommunicationsAs an incumbent, I have already been your voice. Re-elect me and I will continue to do my job and take your voice to new heights. Be a servant, Make a difference, Leave a legacy. Vote Red! |
![]() Andrew Collette Junior, BusinessAs president and former treasure of Pi Kappa Phi, I know what it takes to be a leader and listen to my peers. I will make sure that you are always well represented and that your voice is heard. Experience matters, and I have plenty. Vote Red!! |
![]() Nicole Finkel Junior, Elementary EducationA senator is the voice of the students. Having the opportunity to run on the red ticket allows me to help the student body for the better. I want to be able to leave my legacy not only in the Greek community, but in the entire UNF community as well. |
![]() Miranda Tiona Junior, International Business/Political ScienceAs an incumbent, I plan to leave a legacy. To me, a legacy is committing my passion, love and dedication to the future of UNF. I thrive on using my experience and intellect to serve and make a difference. Be a servant, leave a legacy, VOTE RED!!!!! |
![]() Mary Vale Junior, International StudiesI am running for a spot on Senate in order to serve the UNF community better and I am fully prepared to represent all students to the best of my ability. I am enthusiastic about getting more involved on campus and being your voice in every issue. |
![]() Tommy Walker Freshman, Political ScienceAs your representative in student government, I will always think of every student that I represent. My goal is to bridge the gap between students and administration. I want to leave a legacy at UNF, and with your votes, we can all leave a lega cy. Vote Tommy Walker, VOTE!! |
COLLEGE OF BUSINESS![]() Lindsey Perkins Junior, BusinessMy name is Lindsey Perkins and I am running for student body senate because I am committed and determined to improving student life on campus. I want to be the students’ voice and let them be heard! Vote Lindsey Perkins, Vote RED!! |
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES![]() Katie Caston Junior, Elementary EducationAs a student who is committed to servant leadership, I am excited to serve the university and the student body. If elected, it would be an honor to represent the students of the College of Education and Human Services. Leave a Legacy. VOTE RED!!! |
![]() Otis Green Senior, BiologyHi, My name is Otis Green and i am a former senator running for re-election. I am a senior at UNF and i major in biology, the reason i want to get back involved in SG is because i feel tickets have really gotten out of hand. |
![]() Chris Hovel Senior, Psychology / education leadershipStudent Government is one of the most rewarding organizations on this campus, and as a 3rd year senator I would love to retain my seat in the senate. Thank you for all your continued support, and vote for who will do the best job! |
The names of the candidates have been spelled as they were submitted, and the platforms are in the candidates’ own words. They have not been edited for content, punctuation, style or grammar. The Spinnaker allowed each candidate 50 words and in no way endorses any candidate over another.
All platforms submitted to the Spinnaker by 4 p.m. Feb. 27 are printed here. Every candidate listed was verified as active by SG Elections Supervisor Jessica Davis at 12 p.m. March 2.
Candidates whose profiles were not received by deadline
• Justin Barcenas
• Michael Clark
• Nia Maxwell
Voting Locations
Vote March 10-11 in front of the UNF Bookstore, the Fitness Center and the
Library from 10 a.m.-7 p.m.
• CR-08F-2257
Proposed Amendment to Article IV –
Currently, there are 7 Justices in office. With the increasing work load for the Council, they are requesting an increase to 9 Justices. Article IV, Section 2 – The Judicial Council shall be comprised of 7 to 9 Justices.
• CR-08F-2251
First Semester Exception Amendment-
Currently, if one comes in as a freshman or transfer student, he/she cannot hold office as senator. This proposed bill is stating that one serve as Senator if he/she has attended UNF for less than one semester.
C. Qualifications: Every senator must be an A&S Fee-Paying Student, enrolled in at least one class during both the fall and spring semester at the University of North Florida, and maintaining a 2.25 GPA or higher, unless one has attended the University of North Florida for less than one semester. Senators may continue to serve during the summer semester without being enrolled in a class as long as they are still considered students by UNF.
• CR-08F-2263
Increase the Number of College Seats – Currently, the Senate consists of 46 seats. One through 40 are open to all students. Forty-one through 46 are specific college seats. The proposed amendment suggests increasing the total number of Senate Seats to 52. This will allow two Senate Representatives for each college seat.