Reading is hard, so why not take a break? The Spinnaker invites you to dust off your Crayolas and put them to good use.
Instead of offering an entertaining article or witty review, we in Expressions got together with the good folks in the graphics department to put together this coloring book (yes, we’re aware it’s only one page) celebrating some of the superheroes who make this campus function.
UNF President John Delaney, Vice President of Administration and Finance Shari Shuman, Athletic Director Lee Moon, Student Body President John Barnes and Student Body Vice President Mike Saathoff all keep the university running smoothly. And what better way to salute them than making ridiculous caricatures of them with superhero personas? Well, actually thanking them might be nice, but what fun would that be?
Feel free to submit your finished work to the Spinnaker office in Building 14, room 2627 along with your contact information, and maybe we’ll give you a prize.