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Tough times calls for tougher standards

In response to the all-across-the-board budget cuts that seem indiscriminate to the aspects of our lives that it effects, UNF has been forced to make admission changes in the midst of an upcoming fee assessment.

To maintain a quality of education that the university has offered- like proportionate teacher to student ratios- UNF has modified the admission process, even going as far as denying some students who earned associate degrees from state community colleges. The two and two program was a long standing tradition that guaranteed any student who earned an A.A. degree, at FCCJ for example, admission to UNF and any other state university.

But the admissions changes made by UNF have come at a critical

Amid this, the vision of administrators to change UNF from being a mostly commuter campus to a destination campus has forced schools like UNF to raise it’s standards. In this process, and to truly compete with more elite universities, the school must raise it’s tuition. To accomplish this, the university must demonstrate that it’s higher standards warrant a tuition increase. What does this leave area students seeking?

Higher education at the of expense less scholarships? Or higher standards and more rejection letters?

Are students being prepared for college?

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