UNF’s Boathouse has been serving fries, shakes and beer since 2009 in the Student Union. Recently, the Boathouse acquired a liquor license which, according to their bartenders, has seen both shaken and stirred results.

Mamie Lamscha
Junior, Communication
Works weekends
Worked since: 2010
Favorite drink to make: Not big on making liquor drinks; still likes pouring beers.
On Liquor license: Lamscha says the addition of liquor to the bar has definitely been a big hit, although she has to be more cautious about what’s happening when serving.
“I believe it’s brought more customers,” she said.
Lamscha has worked her way up from cashier to food-runner at the bar and says she loves it.
“I like getting to hang out with students and work at the same time,” she said.
Working weekends, she got to see the Boathouse on Osprey Production’s Rave Nights that were held last year.
“It got pretty crazy — crowded with lots of people,” she said.
Game Days at the Boathouse, a weekly event organized by Student Life, brings in sports fans on the weekends to see their favorite teams play.
‘It gets pretty packed with fans” she said.

Chrissi Jones
Junior, Finance
Works weekdays
Worked since: 2011
Favorite drink to make: Rumrunner
On liquor license: Jones said she hasn’t seen much more business because of the liquor license.
“Unfortunately beer still sells the best,” she said. “I just feel like the word hasn’t gotten out enough yet.”
Jones has been bartending for five years and said the boathouse stands out from other bars she has worked because of the better hours and the stability of her schedule.
“It’s also very clean and stays busy from open to close,” she said.
Email Jason Howard at reporter3@unfspinnaker.com