The table is tucked into the corner- half under a stone staircase. The students sitting behind it are casually dressed. There is nothing to distinguish them from the students they are speaking too.
The only indication that this is not just friends hanging out is the row of laptops and the red, white and blue banner advertising “Vote.”
This vote brings an end to a unique election.
It began with the disqualification of two presidential candidates. One presidential candidate accepted his disqualification and plans to run at a later date. The other went down fighting.
Spinnaker News followed the case through three appeals hearings, each more aggressive than the last. The candidate remained disqualified.
Our current president remained in office.
After the eventful proceedings, we were left to focus on the senators running.
“Vote Red,” wasn’t just the most popular slogan. It was the only slogan. There were no yellow or green signs. Red remains the prominent color in student government.
There were no lines to vote. Perhaps the biggest thing that this election was lacking was food. Last year, free food equated to long lines. No food, no lines.
Email Sarah Ricevuto at reporter25@unfspinnaker.com
Corey Amira, Elections Chairman, said 213 people voted. The Constitutional Referendum passed 187 yes, 21 no, and 5 no answer.