By Cassidy Thomas, contributing reporter

Photo by Cassidy Thomas
Graphic Design Major
Q: What did you think about the Miley Cyrus/VMA’s controversy?
A: She’s just trying to fix her image. Honestly, it’s disturbing to me but she’s twenty. She can really do whatever she wants.
Q: These past few weeks there’s been a lot of talk about going to war with Syria. What are your views on it?
A: I think it’s a bad idea. We really don’t need any more wars, honestly.
Q: Recently the Spinnaker changed from a newspaper to magazine format. What do you think about the transition?
A: It’s a pretty cool idea. Not many people read newspapers anymore but a lot of people read magazines these days.
Photo by Cassidy Thomas
International Relations
Q: What did you think about the Miley Cyrus/VMA’s controversy?
A: I don’t really know. I don’t watch TV or read the newspaper so I wouldn’t know much about Miley Cyrus.
Q: These past few weeks there’s been a lot of talk about going to war with Syria. What are your views on it?
A: Yeah, Syria’s crazy. They were probably killing thousands of people in conventional ways and now, because they’re using gas weapons, they can justify going over there. I really think there’s much more of a hidden agenda that we might figure out six months to a year later. Why are we really going into Syria? Maybe they have really good oil.
Q: Recently the Spinnaker changed from a newspaper to magazine format. What do you think about the transition?
A: I think it’s a really good transition. I think the pages look really good, really high-def pictures. I like flipping through a magazine rather than using newspaper actually. It just makes it a lot easier and I think a lot more people are going to pick it up now.
Photo by Cassidy Thomas
Music and Education
Q: These past few weeks there’s been a lot of talk about going to war with Syria. What are your views on it?
A: It’s not a direct threat to us. But now it is because Russia and China backed it up so we’re making a nonviolent situation violent because we got the two biggest countries involved.
Q: Recently the Spinnaker changed from a newspaper to magazine format. What do you think about the transition?
A: I like old newspapers. I’m tired of looking at stuff online, I’m kind of old fashioned about that stuff.
Q: Is there anything around Jacksonville or on campus that you’re looking forward to doing?
A: I can’t wait till it gets to be cool enough so that I can walk around the nature trail. I think campus is really beautiful so I’m really excited for fall.
Photo by Cassidy Thomas
International Business
Q: What did you think about the Miley Cyrus/VMA’s controversy?
A: I actually didn’t see it personally but it became an internet meme and as a Redditor it became the funniest thing to me.
Q: These past few weeks there’s been a lot of talk about going to war with Syria. What are your views on it?
A: I’ve got a basic knowledge of what’s going on and I know it’s pretty bad over there. They want to use chemical weapons and I’m 50-50 on the whole issue. I’m not really sure of it.
Q: Recently the Spinnaker changed from a newspaper to magazine format. What do you think about the transition?
A: I didn’t really notice it. I’m more indifferent towards the change.
Photo by Cassidy Thomas
Q: What did you think about the Miley Cyrus/VMA’s controversy?
A: I thought it was beautiful and I think everyone’s an individual and we all have our moments.
Q: These past few weeks there’s been a lot of talk about going to war with Syria. What are your views on it?
A: Yeah I don’t really have an opinion. I mean, it’s bad everywhere you go but I think they’re going to get through this one.
Q: Is there anything around Jacksonville or on campus that you’re looking forward to doing?
A: Movies. I’m going to all the movies and I’m going to collect at least one movie poster from each time I go so I can decorate my walls with them.