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Journalism students hope to cover One Spark Berlin

A crowd gathered in Hemming Plaza to support Ignite Media’s trip to Berlin led by Dr. Paula Horvath. Photo by Joshua Brangenberg
A crowd gathered in Hemming Plaza to support Ignite Media’s trip to Berlin, led by Dr. Paula Horvath.
Photo by Joshua Brangenberg

Local media outlets and UNF students gathered today at Hemming Plaza to participate in #IgniteMedia’s fundraising event for their trip to Berlin.

UNF communications students formed #IgniteMedia and used social media outlets to cover One Spark in Jacksonville in spring 2014. They hope to travel to Germany and continue their coverage of the crowdfunding festival under their Berlin-specific moniker of #ZündenMedia.


Dr. Paula Horvath, communications professor, taught the social media reporting class that sparked the #IgniteMedia project. She said the initiative was organic and completely came from student ideas. She said this had been the most fun and engaging class she has taught in the last 25 years.

Horvath also said students in Berlin hope to set up #ZündenMedia in similar fashion to Associated Press so their local and international media partners can easily pull content reported by Zünden.

Horvath and students have until 10 p.m. today to reach their funding goals and aim to stay in Berlin for nine days, from Sept. 6 to Sept. 15.

Ron Littlepage from the Florida Times-Union trimmed his beloved beard for the event. Photo by Joshua Brangenberg
Ron Littlepage from the Florida Times-Union trimmed his beloved beard for the event.
Photo by Joshua Brangenberg

Disclaimer: Dr. Paula Horvath is a member of the UNF Spinnaker Advisory board

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