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Playwrights’ Project showcases the production of five student one-act plays

10420330_835039779880566_5824380263655374607_nFinals are approaching, but are you looking for a study break? If so, the UNF English Department is presenting their annual fall Playwrights’ Project Saturday, Dec. 6, at 8 p.m. and Sunday, Dec. 7, at 2 p.m. This year’s performances will feature original work by Kelsey Crow, Keaton Groves, Nicholas Lorini, Vanessa Posso and Ann Raja-Somu.

The show will feature one-act plays that cover a variety of topics, such as political ethics, mental illnesses, adulthood and robots. The cast is made up of UNF students and other Jacksonville citizens.

The show will take place at the John E. Matthews Jr. Computer Science (Bldg. 15) in room 1303 and is open to the public and completely free.

The project is part of the class workshop CRW4424: Playwrights’ Project. In the course, the students, many of whom are aspiring playwrights and playmakers, write a one-act play of their choosing and produce stage-ready plays. The first performance begins tomorrow.

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