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Fired professor meets with UNF to plea for his job

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Professor Tayeb Giuma, the electrical engineering professor who was recently fired for various misconduct issues, met with Provost Mark Workman March 15 for a predetermination conference to discuss details surrounding his termination notice.

Giuma declined to address specifics but said the meeting was “cordial and friendly.”

Giuma’s attorney, Mark Levine, said there was “good discussion” and “incredibly positive dialogue.”

Levine said the university now has to decide whether to proceed with the termination. If so, the appeal process will begin, he said.

Levine also declined to speak about the details of the meeting, which lasted about an hour, but he did rule out some topics that did not come up.

Professor Nick Coulter and Giuma’s relationship did not come up at the meeting, and neither did the two-by-four incident for which Giuma now faces a battery charge. Giuma said he did not speak at all during the meeting.

The next pretrial for his battery charge is April 6.

Giuma is still staying positive despite his situation.

“I’m optimistic,” Giuma said. “I think justice will prevail.”

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