The resources found online for college students are endless. When you can find websites that help you manage money, help you understand your homework, and show you how to get that internship, it’s a crime not to take advantage of these tools.
We’ve come up with a list of those helpful college student websites to get you started:

This website is perfect for helping you decide which professors you should take. Each professor is rated using three different measures including: helpfulness, clarity and easiness. Students can either anonymously or non-anonymously post their opinions on each professor and even mention specific classes. It’s also beneficial because as a college student you want a professor the is a little challenging. If they were too easy, then the student wouldn’t be getting their money’s worth.

This website is important, as many students are starting to look for internships in their necessary fields. For some majors it is required to graduate. With simple search results and plenty of offers, finding plenty of options is easy. makes pairinig the students with the employers, easy. So as we get closer and closer to getting our degree, it is pertinent that we get on this website ASAP.

With the recent rise of audio storytelling and podcasts after the Serial case became popular, students are starting to see that throwing headphones on is a lot easier than watching or sitting down and reading to get information. That is where comes in. It gives you access to all podcasts that are out on Itunes, for free. Podcasts are taking over now. There are so many that range from intellectual conversations that boggle your mind to political and news discussions as well as comedy podcasts. The platform is also available for IOS and Android.

Reading has always been a popular pastime, even though a lot of college students now say they don’t have enough time to sit down and read a book. That’s where Audible comes in. They bring audiobooks to the table. Listening to a story is very different, but it does allow you to multitask. If you are engaging in an activity that is repetitive, then you don’t have to think about what you are doing and can thus listen to an audiobook at the same time. This platform is also available for IOS, Android and Windows.

This should be a required study tool for students in college, because not only is it user friendly, but it can also be used to study anything. Students can create flashcards and forms decks that they can save, share and test themselves on with ease. There are even games that the students can play that will further assist them in actually learning the material. This platform is also available for IOS and Android.

Not only is this website a great tool for college students that want to sound more intelligent in their writing, it can also help them articulate in an eloquent way. All you have to do is enter the word you want a synonym for and it will display the results as well as antonyms. It even gives you definitions when you click the synonym to see if it will be accurately used in your writing or speech.

If you haven’t used this website already, then you are probably old fashioned. This website will make your life so much easier when it comes to citing sources for all your papers. From MLA to APA to Chicago and more, it would be a shocker if you haven’t heard of it before. All you have to do plug the information in, and it will format it correctly. It will even create your entire works cited sheet for you! For websites it’s even easier, because all you have to do is copy and paste the URL.

As college students are falling deeper and deeper into their college debt, managing their finances isn’t something they truly know how to do. Mint helps students by pulling in all their financial accounts into one place. It uses charts and graphs to show you where your money is really going. This helps them better track their spending, manage their budget, and save more money. It is also available in app form for IOS, Android and Amazon.

Khan Academy is for those students who forget everything they learned right when they leave class. It gives you access to informational videos of virtually about every subject. The website also has videos that help you study for assessments like the GMAT or the MCAT. It is available for IOS and Android.
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Brad • Mar 23, 2016 at 5:44 pm picture is now something for ever note.