Students first started having trouble with Blackboard yesterday around 12:30pm.
“My teacher had to postpone our exam so I’m pretty upset,” Jordan Rae, Graphic Design Junior said.
When Spinnaker spoke to ITS yesterday they said they were working to try and have it fixed within a few hours. Blackboard did not start working again until around 4 or 5 this morning.
ITS told us they cannot comment on whether they think this will continue to be an issue leading into finals week, but they believe the problem should be resolved.
Blackboard is down during the time when students need it most.
Information Technology Services (ITS) told Spinnaker they are not aware of what the issue is but are working to get the online service running within the next few hours.
Nathaniel Krafve, a communication junior, said he received a text message around 12:30 p.m. from a friend notifying him of the outage.
The system has been experiencing several outages within the last 24 hours, according to an Osprey Update Special Edition sent out around 2:30 p.m.
Spinnaker will keep following up with ITS and let you know when it is back up and running.
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