Those colorful glass jars of pickled peppers, green olives and other vegetables in your grandmother’s house aren’t just for decoration. Even though they look like a science experiment (because they are), you can pickle your way to saving vegetables, and therefore money, that would otherwise end up in the trash.
Join the Ogier Gardens staff and Jackie Shank, UNF’s undergraduate nutrition program director, on Wednesday, July 6 for a free workshop on how to preserve okra and peppers by means of pickling. Ospreys will meet in the Brooks College of Health Food Lab (room 3017) from 6 to 8 p.m. for this Pickling Frenzy.
Email Mallory Schott, the Ogier Gardens’ student engagement liaison, at Mallory.Schott@UNF.edu if you plan on attending so the staff can plan accordingly.
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