People of UNF is a weekly column where we go out into the UNF community and get to know students that we often pass by everyday.

“I’ve only been here for 3 weeks so it’s all very new. I studied abroad in my undergrad and loved it. I sort of just wanted to make a career out of it and helping students study abroad and travel and gain kind of intercultural awareness on campus.”

“I am departing on the next story of my life. It’s time for me to leave this wonderful city and this beautiful campus full of interesting and awesome people, ’cause it is true that there’s no one like us and no place like here. I’m going to chart my way back home to continue on the next adventure of my life.”

“We can learn any trait we want, but learning how to understand people is something not a lot of people do and take time to do. So I think that psychology is something I can use anywhere and for anything. Even though I haven’t graduated yet, I have used it everyday in my relationship, I used it everyday in my family, and I’ve used it at work. In everything and everything I do, so it’s been like an endless gift to me.”

“Even though I’m studying science, I’m not your stereotypical science major who believes in evolution. I don’t believe in it at all. I’m 100% against the macroevolution. Microevolution like our skin changing because of the sun, yeah that happens, us growing up, yeah again it happens. But the macro, us coming from fish and apes–nah. There’s a creator and it’s very evident. A lot of scientists think that the genome of different species correlates because of the ‘big bang.’ If you stop putting your foolishness into view, you can see that maybe everything has a similarity because there is one creator who created this whole world and universe. Again, I only studied biology because I want to be a surgeon and I love it, but I don’t believe in that evolution jokers stuff.”
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