Jacksonville’s temperatures are unwaveringly above 90 degrees, but these events are sure to keep you cool.
Thursday, July 14 — 99.9 Gator Country Free Concert with Thompson Square
What: Begin your weekend with a free concert at the Landing. Attendees can start the night with happy hour and a DJ, or pop in when the live music starts. Country singers Natalie Nicole Green and Drew Baldridge will open at 7:30 p.m. before the international duo Thompson Square takes the stage.
When: 6 p.m. – 12 a.m.
Where: Jacksonville Landing
Friday, July 15 — Permaculture: Working with Nature
What: Join Ryan Holm, a UNF Alumni, at the Ogier Gardens for a workshop on permaculture, a practice that encourages sustainability and reflects patterns in nature. Reserve a spot by emailing OgierGardens@unf.edu.
When: 6 – 7 p.m.
Where: UNF Ogier Gardens
Friday, July 15 — Dive-In Movie Featuring “Get a Job”
What: Grab a free sub then laugh on the poolside at the struggle Ospreys hope will not continue after graduation. Anna Kendrick and Miles Teller star as recent college graduates who get a reality check when adulthood isn’t what they expected. As with all Dive-In Movies, be sure to bring your Osprey 1 Card.
When: 8 p.m.
Where: Osprey Clubhouse
Saturday, July 16 — UNF Panhellenic Volleyball Tournament
What: Help remove educational barriers for women and children simply by playing volleyball. Ospreys can organize a team of six members (non students are welcome) for $25 or request to be added to a team for $5. All proceeds will be donated to the Circle of Sisterhood. Email Caitlin Shwab at UNFPanhel.Service@Gmail.com with any questions or concerns.
When: 1 p.m.
Where: UNF Field House
Saturday, July 16 and Sunday, July 17 — The Urban Slide
What: The nationwide Urban Slide event is bringing a 1,000 foot waterslide to downtown Jacksonville this weekend. Ospreys who feel inclined to sweat for a fun cause (a more accurate description of volunteering) can slide for free. Tickets start at $14 here.
When: Saturday from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Where: Riverside Avenue and Water Street
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