People of UNF is a weekly column where we go out into the UNF community and get to know students that we often pass by everyday.

“I’m not as mean as I may look ‘cause I don’t smile as often. So everyone thinks ‘oh she’s mean oh she’s standoff’ish. That’s not, not the case at all.”

“We’re from the same area in South Florida and there was this Facebook group and we kind of found each other on there. We hung out before coming here so we would know each other before coming to college. We’re not [roommates] but we do hangout a lot and I basically live in their room.”

“I always knew that I wanted to be in the health field. I always knew that I wanted to be a doctor but I do want a family one day and the doctor I would want to be would take a really long time. So nursing is a good compromise between doing something I want to do, helping people.”

“I want to feel like I’m useful. It’s not even about me, I want to feel like I gave something to my community or did something bigger.”
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