Jacksonville’s various businesses are luring locals to their stores for one of the last stress-free weekends of summer. Whether you’re a food lover, vinyl junkie or shopaholic, you’ll likely find yourself spending money this weekend.
Thursday, August 11 — Grand Opening Celebration of Clothes Mentor
What: The long-awaited women’s consignment shop on San Jose Boulevard is finally open and ready to help you spend money. Clothes Mentor is giving away $25 gift cards to its first 25 shoppers. Ospreys can expect to finally feel like an adult while browsing brands such as Lily Pulitzer, Banana Republic and Ann Taylor.
When: 10 a.m.
Where: Clothes Mentor
Friday, August 12 — Detached, Firestarter & more
What: Prepare your neck for some head banging music as Jacksonville’s Detached performs alongside pop punk groups Firestarter, Capstan and Bad Year. Tickets are $10 at the door.
When: 8 p.m.
Where: Shantytown Pub
Saturday, August 13 — Vinyl Day 2016
What: Barnes & Noble bookstores are showing off their hipster side once again. Music lovers will receive at least 10 percent off every record they purchase throughout the day. The Barnes & Noble at the Town Center will hold contests and trivia beginning at 7 p.m.
When: 9 a.m. – 10 p.m.
Where: Barnes & Noble (every store)
Saturday, August 13 — Jacksonville Caribbean Festival
What: If classes and work loads kept you away from the seas this summer, the Carnival Organization of Jacksonville is bringing a Caribbean experience filled with music, food and crafty vendors to our home. Tickets are $10 at the gate.
When: 12-8 p.m.
Where: A Philip Randolph Park
Saturday, August 13 — Food Truck Takeover
What: Whatever your taste buds are leading you towards, they’re sure to find a partner that can satisfy their needs at the Landing. As with most food truck events, you only pay for the food you eat.
When: 4-9 p.m.
Where: Jacksonville Landing
Sunday, August 14 — Pokemon GO Meet Up
What: Join Jacksonville’s confidently geeky WasabiCon for an afternoon of Pokemon hunting and giveaways in the park. For PokeTrainers who have yet to venture downtown, Riverside park has seven Pokestops. As far as Pokemon, you can expect to catch Pidgeys and Rattatas who can’t get enough attention.
When: 4-8 p.m.
Where: Riverside Park
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