UPDATE 10/14/16 @ 2:32
Spinnaker has been informed that this weekend’s events have been planned for parents of UNF students, not parrots of UNF students.
We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion.
Parrot’s Weekend is returning this year at UNF from Oct.14 – Oct. 16 and there’s no better time to show off your prized pet to your fellow students. Whether you’ve got an African Grey, Amazon or Greater Vasa Parrot, this is the event for you. But what activities should you be interested in? This guide will cover the best events for you and your bird buddy to join. Let’s get started!
Lend-A-Wing Charity
There will be a table by registration for Lend-A-Wing, but I wouldn’t recommend donating. Your parrot may be known for tricks like talking or dancing, but it won’t be a bird if you take away its wing. I would skip this one to be honest.

Silent Auction
Trained auction birds are unfortunately a thing of the past. Not only that, but this is a silent auction. If your parrot is any kind of true parrot then it won’t stop talking. This is happening during the family dinner at the Osprey Café so I recommend taking your bird to the seed buffet instead.

Ropes Course
If your powerful parrot is an especially adept flyer, this is the activity for you. The ropes course is a challenge for flamingos and ostriches, but flying birds breeze through it with ease. This cockatoo contest is the perfect way to prove your bird flies higher than the rest.

Chocolate Game Trivia
Saturday holds the trivia event of a lifetime: chocolate history trivia! Wait is that really a thing? (I’ve been informed this is really a thing). Chocolate experts get ready to drop the knowledge and win some chocolate prizes. Unfortunately, chocolate is instantly lethal to parrots, so you will be arrested on sight if you feed your prizes to your pets.

Amazing Crazy Ozzie Challenge
Yes, that’s the real name. The real Ozzie is flying south to host this incredible challenge! This is a campus-wide scavenger hunt inspired by the show Naked and Afraid. You and your parrot must hunt for lost pirate booty while avoiding the dangers of the campus wilderness. I hear you will be hunted by clowns the whole time, so make sure you and your parrot are prepared for the worst.

Movie at the Coxwell Amphitheater: The Secret Life of Pets
There’s nothing more romantic than spending a night with your pet parrot under the stars watching a comedy about pets. You and your bird can relax and eat popcorn (popseeds for parrots) and laugh among all the other birds on campus. This is an outside movie though, so UNF is not liable if your parrot flies away.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.
Abigail Jones • Oct 28, 2016 at 1:02 am
Wow! I just love your blog. As a bird lover last week I had purchased one Congo male gray parrot from the Ahmed Bird Breeders Farm at a very suitable price. His name is Charly. I love him. I am waiting for your next post so please keep posting like this.