Describe this election in three words.
Crazy, serious, and important.
Why those three?
Well, we have two main people that nobody wants to vote for, basically. And it’s really crazy because one is a television person and the other is called a liar and nobody knows who to vote for or what to do and it’s just really crazy. [The election is] important because for college students, we need as much money as we can get. I don’t know how to explain it. It’s just so crazy.

How do you feel about this election?
It’s, uh, interesting
Describe it in three words.
Crazy, because a lot of stuff is being said about both candidates, close, because it could go either way right now, and interesting.
Are you excited for it to be over?
Yes, very. I’m tired of seeing advertisements for it everywhere. I’m ready for things to go back to normal.

How do you feel about this election?
I’m a little indifferent. I mean, I’ve seen so many different viewpoints and trying to untangle all of them has kind of been exhausting. I’m going to delve deeper into both [sides] and make a decision, but as of right now, I stay pretty busy with all of these classes.
Describe the election in three words.
[A] jumble of ideas.
Are you willing to tell me who you’re voting for?
Sure. Hillary Clinton.

How do you feel about this election?
It scares me.
Can you describe it in three words?
The most pivotal election for our nation
Editors note: Admittedly, this is more than three words. But we’ll let it pass.
Why, at the library, did the staff think it was important to have debate and election night parties?
We wanted to increase awareness of civic engagement and voting. We wanted to get people informed about the election.

How do you feel about this election?
Sara: Oh man.
Hannah: We actually have similar political views.
Sara: We talk about it sometimes, but I think overall, I’m sick and tired of the media coverage. I’m tired of [the election] blowing up my Facebook and my Twitter and everywhere I look. And I’m honestly kind of scared for tomorrow.
Hannah: Yeah. I’m petrified.
Describe the election in three words.
Hannah: That is rough… Not very good.
Sara: Chatoic. Terrifying. I need a good, strong, final word.
Hannah: Bad.
Sara: Yeah. Bad. Our options are terrible.
Are you willing to tell me who you voted for?
Hannah: I went third party, for Jill Stein.
Sara: Yeah, Jill Stein.
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