University of North Florida students attending the Thomas G. Carpenter library’s election watch party were visibly anxious as election results rolled in.
As Florida’s vote continued to flip back and forth between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump earlier in the evening, the crowd seemed to be participating in the Mannequin challenge — sitting still rather than celebrating the electoral process.
Even as it was announced that Marco Rubio would be retaining his seat in the Senate and that medical marijuana would become legal in the state of Florida, focus remained on the presidential election. Students were glued to their phones and the television sets up until 10:15 p.m., when the crowd was instructed that the viewing area had to be cleaned up.
Florida wouldn’t be called in Trump’s favor until an hour after the event officially ended. From what was seen earlier in the night, it’s safe to assume the student response would have been quiet.
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ad2016 • Nov 9, 2016 at 1:23 pm
“From what was seen earlier in the night, it’s safe to assume the student response would have been quiet.”
But, if the constitution is still in tact, you can hold a president, and all in office accountable.–stay connected–
It has been 8 years, but, that was one of the reasons this election may have ended up this way. Without The Constitution we become a free for all.