Dec. 9 is a big date for freshman. It’s the day when all exams are done, their first semester ends and winter break begins. However, by 5 p.m. all students living in underclassman housing need to leave their dorms and take what they need, as they will not be let back in until Jan. 8 at 9 a.m.
According to Robert Boyle, director of Housing & Residence Life, students living in upperclass dorms like the Osprey Village, Osprey Fountains and the Flats at UNF can continue to live on campus with “functioning amenities” during the winter break. Students currently living in Osprey Cove, Osprey Crossings, Osprey Hall and Osprey Landing will be required to leave on Dec. 9.
Those leaving for break can leave their stuff in the dorm, but Boyle warns students to take everything they’ll need until Jan. 8, 2017.
“We encourage students to take what they need prior to departing on Dec. 9 because while we would try to help them out to get them back into their space to get what they need, we want to try to minimize that,” Boyle said.
The office of Housing & Residence Life will be open until Friday, Dec. 23.
Students will return to their same rooms in January unless an exemption was made by the Department of Housing & Residence Life.
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