One of the most iconic Christmas traditions is the stocking. Whether you open it on Christmas eve, Christmas morning or after everything’s been unwrapped, we tend to expect those little extra things we may or may not use.
Everyone has something they want and need, yet refuse to spend money on, so we’ve compiled a list of the 20 most underrated stocking stuffers.
- Gift Cards: Anything that translates to free food is much appreciated.
- Phone Cases: Who doesn’t love a good case, especially one with a fun design or themed towards your interests.
- Spa Products: Face masks, bath bombs, scrubs, mini perfumes, manicure or pedicure kits, etc.
- Shot glasses: Self explanatory.
- Witty coffee mugs: Maybe if mom buys you a coffee cup with a quote from your favorite show on it, you’ll stop melting solo cups with your morning joe.
- Candy: Just as good, if not better than free food. When you’re having a panic attack in two weeks and find a mini Toblerone in your desk, you’ll have mom to thank.
- USB’s: These come shaped as literally anything — from your sorority’s symbol to your favorite food — and it’s a college necessity nobody wants to spend money on.
- Office/School Supplies: Whether that means pens, pencils, highlighters or sticky notes, parents always manage to buy better and cuter ones than we do.
- Fun socks: Nothing keeps your feet warm the same way fuzzy snowman socks grandma do. Nothing.
- Roll of quarters: Think of all the free laundry.
- Phone Chargers: For when you inevitably manage to lose the only one you still have.
- Headphones: For when your roommate “borrows” yours.
- Tide-to-go pens: I’m not saying we’re all slobs. I’m just saying they’re useful and if mom doesn’t buy them for me, no one will.
- Bookmarks: So those rented textbooks don’t have a zillion partially folded page corners.
- Bottle openers: Especially if you fall into that college minority of people who don’t keep one on their keys.
- Movie/Concert tickets: Big things sometimes come in small packages, and movie/concert tickets are sure to surprise the room.
- Miniature anything: If it’s smaller, it’s cuter.
- Portable phone charger: Our phones are just always dead.
- Bluetooth Speakers. They’re small, portable and perfect for playing music in your dorm or at a pregame. Just don’t be that kid who walks around campus playing music through it to and from class.
- Tissues: Because college.
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