The UNF Military and Veterans Resource Center, formerly located in building 57, suite 2700 (Education & Human Services), will be moving to a new location at building 2, room 1100 (formerly career services), starting on Jan. 26.
The Military and Veterans Resource Center and Career Services will be unavailable during the move from Thursday, Jan. 26 to Friday, Jan. 27. Both rooms will be available on Monday, Jan. 30.
This move was announced on MyWings in the Student Update page on Friday, Jan. 20.
Ray Wikstrom, Director of Military and Veterans Resource Center, said that the building area became available to them and they could use the increase of space.
Their new location, at 3,400 square feet, is much larger than the previous location that was only 2,100 square feet.
Diane Stover, Office Manager of the Resource Center, said that they were notified at the end of Dec. about the move and are prepared for it.
“With the number of students growing every month, we would like to move to a larger space,” Stover said. She said that the new location is a bigger space for students to gather, is more accessible for students with disabilities, gives more space for events, and allows more space for staff.
Jaime Plym, a Coastal Biology major who works in the VA Work Study program, said that she’s excited about the move as she’s complained for three years about getting a bigger working space.
Along with Plym, Ramses Marte, an International business major who also works in the VA Work Study program, is also happy about the switch. “Our current location is a bit obscure,” Marte said. “This new location will be more centralized as it’s easier to find.”
All students have been notified about the move on MyWings, and the Student Veterans who frequently visit the Resource Center have been notified by e-mail.
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