Parking services Q&A: Backing in & more
July 11, 2017

With the stick-on decal no longer in effect, the move towards virtual passes has lead to many questions. George Andrews, parking services director, answered questions that may have been on students’ minds.
How do students buy a back-in permit ?
GA: It’s not [available online]. You have to come in the [parking services] office. You can do it within the office. So, it is a walk-in procedure.
*Students can begin buying back-in permits on August 1.
Do students with license plate on the front of their cars have to buy an extra permit?
GA: No. If somebody has a license plate on the front of their vehicle that is a license plate that is readable by our camera, they do not require a back-in permit. They can back in, and we will read their license plate.
Can students pay for their permit with financial aid?
GA: The reason why we’re doing it [through MyWings] was to allow students with financial aid to be able to pay for their parking permits with their financial aid. What ends up happening is the only thing the student is required to fill out I believe it is call a financial aid authorization form.
Parking services can be found in Building 52 with office hours 8 a.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Friday (904) 620-2815 .The back-in permit cost $50 and will be added to the already selected permit in your account after purchase . Students with financial aid have until the money is released to purchase their permit using their authorization.
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