UPDATE: I-295 entrance reopened after crash
August 28, 2017
The I-295 entrance into campus has been reopened after a car accident earlier in the day shut down the entrance indefinitely.
Florida Highway Patrol arrived on the scene of the crash at 4:23 p.m. on Aug. 28. According to FHP the northbound entrance ramp to UNF Drive was blocked off due to the vehicle crash, but has since been cleared according to an Osprey Update.
Students are now able to use North Entrance Road or Kernan Blvd. in addition to the I-295 entrance to get onto campus.

Original Story: The I-295 entrance into campus is closed indefinitely following a traffic accident. Drivers are still able to leave using the I-295 exit, according to an Osprey Update sent out Monday evening.
Florida Highway Patrol arrived on the scene of the crash at 4:23 p.m. on Aug. 28. According to FHP the northbound entrance ramp to UNF Drive is blocked off due to the vehicle crash.

Students are still able to use North Entrance Road or Kernan Blvd. to enter the campus while the I-295 entrance is closed.
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