Police beat: Parking garage brawl and student arrested for headbutting

Graphic by Rachelle Keller

Alexandra Torres-Perez

The brawl occurred on the third floor of Garage 44, a young woman punched the victim because she could not find a parking spot after 30 minutes. Photo by Lili Weinstein

Parking spot brawl

Trying to find parking in the garages can be crazy, especially around lunch time. We all have tactics to get a spot from stalking students to giving them rides to their cars. One student was holding a spot for his friend in the Fine Arts Garage on Aug. 23 when a physical confrontation started over the spot.

After the student parked, the friend holding the spot left, but that’s when the suspect came up to the parked student. According to the police report, the suspect came up to the student saying, “We are going to fight. We are going to fight. I have been driving around trying to park for 30 minutes.”

The student stayed in his car to avoid the confrontation, but the suspect reached in from the backseat and punched the student on the back of the head. The suspect also took the victim’s hat, and threw it off the third floor. The victim suffered no injuries, and was able to get his hat back.

He described the suspect as a white female with dark brown hair. She was wearing a colored tank top, jeans and sandals. The suspect was driving a white sedan with a graduation tassel hanging from the rear view mirror.

Patrol efforts were suspended.

Student arrested for headbutting

On Aug. 23, UNFPD and the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department were sent to the Crossings due to a battery.

According to the police report, the suspect was doing an assignment on Word when the victim asked if the suspect needed help with the program. The suspect explained to the victim that the assignment was for his class to which the victim responded, “It’s for your class, right?”

The suspect thought he was being taunted and being called stupid. The report states that the suspect then said, “I’m not stupid. It’s for my class.” He believed he was being continuously taunted, so the suspect stood up and headbutted the victim.

The victim suffered from a broken nose, and had a friend drive him to the Baptist Emergency Care at the Town Center.

The suspect told officials that he just lost it, and does not believe he did it. The suspect was placed under arrest and transported to a pre-trial detention facility.  

It’s Two Feet Long!

A UNF student called UNFPD on Aug. 26 in regards to a scratch on her car.

The student parked her silver Nissan Altima in the Crossings parking lot in the morning. The student returned to her car later that night at around 9 p.m. when she noticed a long scratch on her car.

The scratch went from the rear driver side of her vehicle to her wheel on the rear driver side according to the police report. The officer at the scene only noticed the approximately two foot long scratch on her vehicle.

There was no further evidence or any suspects, so the case was suspended.


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