Shots fired on campus: Was an email the best way to let students know?
September 1, 2017
Video by Lee Giat
Friday morning 18-year-old UNF student Cameron J. Daniel shot a gun at the ceiling in Building V of the Cove. Students found out this information through the Osprey Update, which is a mass e-mail.

Some students said they didn’t like the fact that they were notified via e-mail since because many students don’t regularly check their e-mails.
“I would definitely say I feel less safe the way UNF has handled it,” freshman Shannon Rutt said. “If it was in a bigger scale, we would be in a lot more danger just not knowing what was going on.”
Rutt lives a few doors down from where the incident took place. She said she did not know Daniel or his roommate. She hasn’t received any updates from the university about the incident.
“We definitely deserve to be more informed, especially since it is so close to us,” Rutt said.
For other students, the Osprey Update e-mail did it’s job.
“As long as a situation is handled, I don’t think it’s that important that we get notified immediately,” freshman Nick Burgesi, who lives on the second floor of Cove V, said.
Some students recommended the university use better, faster methods of notifying students when the situation impacts them so closely.
“Maybe like a text message might be a better way, and it might be quicker,” freshman Padraic Gilley said. “Everybody checks their text messages. Not everybody checks their e-mails all the time, so that might work better.”
Spinnaker attempted to contact the university to learn the standard procedure for informing students, but there was no answer by time of publication.

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